So I pull up in my parking spot a yesterday and I noticed a gobbler standing near the fence. Others were watching him run into the fence and getting tangled in the hedges. I get out and one says Dave you hunt right? He gestured as said theres any easy kill for you. I reply yea but it would be illegal to kill him; he's outa season.
By now you can tell the birds is totally disorientated, stressed out and exhausted.
So I just trudge through the snow over to where he was and kinda herd him to a corner. Picked him up like a football and placed him in the open. He ran to a large bush and hung out for a few. Then hauled ass through the snow to a large oak; where he jumped up in.
Everyone was amazed that I just walked up a grabbed him. I said someone had to do something its close to roosting time and he might have died if we just left him there.
Who said hunters are mindless killers..there's a lesson for yea